Mesut ÇELİK, 35
Kadıköy, İstanbul
Hello, I am teritori co-founder. For 15 years, I have worked on different scale web projects and start-ups in the software sector as a web developer.
I am working in software, technical infrastructure and operation fields of the teritori project. The main reason to work on this project is to offer a platform that can raise awareness to find fast, transparent and interactive solutions to social problems.
For teritori project, we gathered out experiences and created a prototype based on the current technology. As of May 2020, we started the beta stage with 175 users until we go live on the web to collect feedback and make necessary improvements. Based on the feedback from teritori users, we are doing the corrections/improvements.
We have talked to various local businesses for idea validation. Our short-term plan is to prepare the teritori business interface so that the local businesses can benefit from the service.